How To Install And Care
For Your New Grass
1. Measure Your Space
- How do I measure my space?
- How much grass do I need?
Measuring Your Space
- Measure your area to determine the amount of grass to purchase.
- To find the square footage:
- Measure the length of your space. Note the number.
- Measure the width of your space. Note the number.
- Multiply those two numbers (length x width) to get your square footage.
- Each pallet covers approximately 450 square feet. It's best to order a bit over to ensure you can complete your project.
2. Prepare The Soil
- How do I prepare the ground beforehand to install my new grass?
Preparing the Ground
- Your new sod cannot be laid over existing growth. Your space needs a clean slate. Therefore, all the weeds and stray plant life need to be killed.
- Water the area and spray an herbicide over the entire yard.
- Once the weeds and plant life die, rake or till the ground to loosen the dirt and uncover any buried rocks. A rototiller can be used to quicken the process.
- Depending on the existing soil's condition, it may be necessary to lay fresh topsoil.
3. Plant Your New Sod
- How do I plant my new sod?
Installing Your New Sod
- For the best results, your sod should be laid down within 24 hours from delivery.
- Moisten the soil before laying down your new sod.
- Lay the sod in neat rows fitting the pieces together snugly, with all ends touching. Handle the sod carefully to avoid breakage and be careful not to step on the sod during installation.
- Water as you plant. Thoroughly water the sod within 30 minutes of installation. Sod requires contact with the soil and needs moisture to survive.
4. Care For Your New Lawn
- How do I take care of my grass once it’s installed?
- How often should I water?
- We recommend watering twice a day for about 15-20 minutes for the first 7-10 days. This may vary due to environmental conditions and how fast the lawn dries out. The primary goal is to keep the sod and underlying soil moist. After the first 2-3 weeks, reduce watering to allow the soil to firm up and establish deep roots.
- Once the roots are established you may begin mowing your new sod. This typically takes approximately 2 weeks; individual results may vary. After 3 weeks, your sod should be well established.
- Avoid walking on the sod for 14 days. Any foot prints and pet urine spots can cause permanent damage.
- The sod already comes fully fertilized, so apply fertilizer 6 weeks after laying it down. Fertilizing sooner can burn the new roots and cause the sod to not root in.